Inverted Nipple Surgery Columbus, OH

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Surgical Procedure to Correct Inverted Nipples

The nipple is the focal point of the breast, and aside from its functional role in breastfeeding, it is also important to female beauty and sexuality. Inverted nipples can be uncomfortable and unattractive, and many women are choosing to have them corrected.

About the Procedure

Dr. Donaldson and Dr. Sieffert repair inverted nipples by making a tiny incision under local anesthesia. They release the troublesome ducts beneath the nipple, which allows the nipple to project away from the breast in a more natural position. Once the correct contour is established, tiny stitches, or bolsters, are used to prevent recurrence. This outpatient procedure is performed with minimal discomfort and recovery at our office in Dublin, 俄亥俄州.

Inverted nipple surgery may interfere with future breastfeeding, and it can decrease sensation as well. The solution is usually permanent, and most patients are thrilled with their results.

What Are Inverted Nipples & How Do They Happen?

Sometimes, nipples are inverted from an early age, while in other women, it develops after breastfeeding or trauma. Regardless, the condition is caused by tethering of the nipple to the underlying breast tissue. The ducts that connect the skin over the nipple to the deeper breast can become shortened or scarred, and they pull the nipple in toward the chest.

Why Choose Donaldson Plastic Surgery?

Fortunately, living with discomfort is not the only option. The board-certified plastic surgeons at Donaldson Plastic Surgery have extensive experience helping patients cope with this difficult condition through the use of nipple and areola surgery. 

Have Additional Questions About Inverted Nipple Surgery?

We invite you to get in touch with us today! A trusted member will be with you shortly to answer all of your questions and book your initial appointment. 

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